Legislation changes. Here's how you can be prepared.
Stay up-to-date and keep your clients informed on the latest federal and state-specific legislative changes.

Clients rely on you to keep them informed.
Nearly all employers say it’s important that a broker provide legislative updates and guidance. Opportunity exists to challenge the incumbent and win new accounts by bridging this compliance service gap. Thirty-three percent say their broker doesn’t or only partially provides that guidance. With Zywave’s comprehensive solutions for any agency, you’ll be informed of the latest news and can keep your clients abreast of the latest federal and state-specific legislative changes including ACA, OSHA, DOL, FLSA, HIPAA, FMLA and more.
Top Brokers Are Powered by Zywave.

And more than 5,000 other brokers
More than just sales and marketing, Zywave provides your agency with an education engine.
You, your staff and your clients can stay on top of state and federal legislation changes with technology for any agency.

Broker Briefcase® Benefits Edition With more than 1,300 resources for DOL, ACA, FMLA, ERISA, 6055/6056 reporting, 1094/1095, HIPAA, COBRA, Employment law, and more, you can provide your clients with the compliance and legislation guidance they need. Stay on top of the latest regulatory changes and keep clients informed with newsletters, legislative briefs, toolkits, guides, and more.
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Broker Briefcase® P&C Edition With more than 500 resources, you can provide your clients with the compliance and legislation guidance they need. Provide OSHA guidance with policies and programs, reporting guides, recordkeeping tools, regulation updates and a state-specific violations database, and make sure clients are up-to-date and informed on changes with professionally written and designed newsletters, legislative briefs, toolkits, guides, and more.
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Plan Doc Builder® Software for employee benefits that gives you the ability to create SPDs, SBCs, and wrap documents in minutes to ensure that clients are always prepared for a DOL audit.
Learn MoreReady to close your compliance service gap?
Zywave’s industry-leading service and support staff is ready to take your agency to the next level. Let us show you how.
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